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As a local charity, we rely on the support of our funders, local businesses and our community to carry out our work at the centre.


There are many ways in which you can support the work we do at Barrow & District Disability Association. Here are just a few. 




Here at BDDA we couldn’t do the work we do without the support of our wonderful team of volunteers.


Volunteers give their time for all kinds of reasons


  • To give something back to their community.

  • To share their knowledge and skills.

  • To keep busy and meet new people.

  • To learn new skills.

  • To gain work experience.

  • To develop confidence.


Volunteering with BDDA can be on a regular basis or for one off events, so you choose how much time you want to give to our charity.


Volunteers support us in a variety of roles including support opportunities, finance and administration, reception, retail, IT and events.


If you’re interested in volunteering, then BDDA is a great place to be. It’s a place where you’ll be accepted, trusted and empowered as part of a team to give your best.


Can you volunteer if you’re on benefits?


Yes, you can, but you must tell the office that pays your benefit about any volunteering you are planning to do before you start.


They will advise you one what, if any affect this will have on your benefits.


For example, if you claim Universal Credit your volunteering can add up to half of the time you agree to spend looking for work in your ‘Claimant Commitment’. The job centre actively encourages people to volunteer as it can help with confidence and new skills to help you back into employment.


Our team of volunteers and staff pride themselves on creating a friendly and warm working environment.


If you’d like more information on volunteering with us, please get in touch.


Why not raise funds for us and have some fun at the same time?


Why not join our friendly Fundraising Team or maybe you have a fundraising idea of your own?


You could take part in a local event or create your own personal challenge. It could be a 5K run or the 40-mile Keswick to Barrow Walk, a quiz night or a table at a craft fair Whatever you want to do, our experiences Fundraising Team are here to help.


We can advertise your event on our website and social media channels and offer you practical help to get your event off the ground.


We can also provide you with a range of materials to help you raise money for us such as promotional materials, sponsorship forms and more. We can even get your event reported in our local press.


We couldn’t do half of what we do without the amazing generosity of supporters who fundraise for us. If you’d like help, please give us a call.



We are planning to expand our School Street premises by converting the former Identities building, which sits adjacent to the current BDDA site, into a larger, more extensive facility so that we can offer more services and support to our community.


We are calling on our amazing community to take part in our ‘Buy-A-Brick’ campaign to become part of our service expansion plan.


More details coming soon. Keep an eye on our social media channels too.

Registered Office

71-77 School Street


LA14 1EJ


Registered Charity No: 513162

Patron: Rt. Hon. Lord Hutton of Furness

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©2024 Barrow & District Disablilty Association 

Created by Suzanne Edgley

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